Paper SDK - Adding Japanese fonts to Ghostscript

Ghostscript 8.71 was released in early 2010 and is no longer supported by Artifex ( This version of Ghostscript is no longer included with the Paper SDK. In order to get a Japanese font to work on PostScript printers it must be a font that is installed on the printer.

1. Find a font that you wish to use. In this example we have choosen to download a Kanji fonts package:

2. Unpack the Kanji font package and copy the directory "fonts" to the gs directory. You should find this in the equivalent of C:\Program Files\Common Files\Anoto\gs\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Anoto\gs\, but this would depend on where you have gs8.71 installed.

3. Where the Kanji font package were unpacked one should find a file called Fontmap.KNJ (..\gs703knj\gs7.03\lib\Fontmap.KNJ). Copy Fontmap.KNJ to the lib folder in the Ghostscript installation (..\Anoto\gs\gs8.71\lib), then rename the file to Fontmap.GS.

4. Create a new Environmental Variable called "GS_FONTPATH" and give it the value of the path for the font directory created in step 2, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Anoto\gs\fonts

Now you should be able to add Japanese text to both output, as well as background images. Make certain that the printer has the font you are using installed in order to get a correct print out.

If the customer use fonts of their own, then they must use a format supported by Ghostscript and create a fontmap of their own equivalent to fontmap.KNJ.

More Information
See also Paper SDK User's Guide.

Applies To
Paper SDK

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